Lots has happened since my last half-assed attempt to publish on this site. All has been good since then, I’ve just busy with other projects (like my Datsun 510) and kids stuff. In fact, experiences gained through my4 y/o Datsun thread has shown there is value in sharing information for others, I hope the same will be with this site.
Also, my cycling interest has been ‘perked’ with a recent purchase of a new mountain bike, a 2016 Norco Torrent 7.2. This bike has really impacted me in a two ways:
- Pretty much a do-anything rig. I can ride trails, snow, and even gravel is pleasant (albeit slow).
- An increased safety blanket allowing me to (continue) hitting technical trails at speeds which my 45 year old brain began to question.
OttawaVelo.com won’t be a site about who I am, what I ate etc… Frankly, I’m not that interesting. Instead, it will be a means for me to document my MTB & gravel cycling experiences, both in places I cycled, and products I’ve used.